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Gorram's Great Star Wars Project

Gorram's Great Star Wars Project

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Sharp pivot? I hardly know her!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I was off ill a few days last week and as a result of daring to put on my heating, the flat was warm enough for the 3D printer to go brrr. I picked up the Dark Fire Designs stormtroopers files because they were the closest I can find to what I want that also come as a kit so you can do different poses. These are actually their version of the Thrawn troopers but let’s not go into that right now… that’s not the hard pivot I thought it was going to be.

To get them printed to match my rebels, I needed to finally build some rebels. I went digging into the stash and found the envelopes that contained the individual sprues I ordered last summer. One each of Wargames Atlantic Raumjager and Ooh Raa. Mixing and matching them was the plan but once they were built, it just doesn’t work. They just don’t look good next to each other and the bits aren’t as interchangeable as say the Stargrave kits all are, the proportions are all wrong.

So I ordered a sprue of two of the Stargrave kits. Built those, tried swapping some limbs with the Ooh Raa and… I don’t like them either. If I was painting ten, maybe I’d stick with it but the plan was 100 or more. To force my own hand a little, I printed some test models from my stormtroopers at different sizes to see what would match which and that’s where these photos come from:

They actually don’t look too bad in the photos but in person the difference in proportions between the ranges is really noticeable. No one looks like they belong in the same universe. I hummed and hawed for another two days, looking at the models every time I sat down at my hobby desk.

By this point, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed; the kind of overwhelmed that makes me want to walk away completely. To do what I’d like, in the time I’ve set, given having to do who knows how much more work just felt like it is going to take the fun out of this whole thing. I had to have a good long chat with myself. No one right now knows this game is even planned, let alone has any expectations. It’s all in my head. Time to go back to the drawing board.

I want Star Wars and I want a big game. Then it hit me. I’ve already got a project that I can use as inspiration here. Epic Star Wars. Big game, small miniatures… turning into a running theme for my painting this year. Last year I did actually paint more than is in that project but for some reason I never updated it. Anyway, small scale Star Wars is within my grasp, especially now I have a resin printer and don’t have to hit against the cost as hard this time around and I’m not restricted to 6mm.

There’s the pivot; 28mm Rebellion era to 10mm Clone Wars era.

Sharp pivot? I hardly know her!

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