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Cohors Cthulhu

Cohors Cthulhu

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Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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As I said earlier the inspiration for finishing the  building was my backing Modiphius’s Cohors Cthulhu.

The game takes place in the same world as Achtung Cthulhu but has a more mythical feel.

Frpm the quick start rules:

Amid a war-torn and fractious world in which Roman legionaries bent on conquest face off against barbarian warriors protecting their tribes, players take on the roles of diverse heroes from regions across the empire: Germania, Gaul, Britannia, Aegyptus, Assyria, Greece, Hispania, and even eternal Rome itself. Arising from a wide array of backgrounds, they battle baleful horrors facing all of humanity. Whether the fight was forced on them or they chose this path, it requires putting aside allegiances and prejudices, and making friends of former enemies. This fight also requires confronting peril to gather remnants of forgotten magic, most often preserved by priests of jealous and competing gods. But fickle as humanity’s gods may be, they are sometimes the only recourse against those from beyond the stars. Nyarlathotep, the God of a Thousand Forms, has unleashed myriad schemes to subvert oncesacred cults across Rome, Germania, and beyond. In the shadows lurk powerful, corrupted survivors of Atlantis, their minds twisted by Sarthothus, the Shattered God, whose alien intellect has infected the Atlantean relics upon which the Atlanteans’ power relies.

This gives me the opportunity to build a diverse collection with heroes from across the Roman Empire.

I am starting off with a core of Romans and two Germanic Tribes.

I will use these models to playtest the miniatures rules when they are sent out. I am also adapting a skirmish rule set based on the CS1 rules that came out for SLA Industries, there are some mechanics that will synch really well into the back ground.


The civillians and possibly adventurers. I have a mix of Wargames Foundry Germanic, Roman and Thracian civillians ( I will add a couple of Thracian heroes soon) and a Red Box Games model ( the big guy with the barrel and furs).The civillians and possibly adventurers. I have a mix of Wargames Foundry Germanic, Roman and Thracian civillians ( I will add a couple of Thracian heroes soon) and a Red Box Games model ( the big guy with the barrel and furs).
Our antagonists
Our antagonists
The Romans, I still need to find some decals, I am looking for the classic X shaped laurel design in gold but with no background. I saw these somewhere but cannot seem to find them now.The Romans, I still need to find some decals, I am looking for the classic X shaped laurel design in gold but with no background. I saw these somewhere but cannot seem to find them now.
Our antagonists
I have to purchase one pack of Wargames Foundry Slave revolt figures to complete this faction.I have to purchase one pack of Wargames Foundry Slave revolt figures to complete this faction.
The local Germanic warband, again looking for shield decals.The local Germanic warband, again looking for shield decals.
Some Cultists, an avatar of the King in Yellow and a hero from the Cultists Germanic faction with two hunting Hounds of Tindaloos. Some Cultists, an avatar of the King in Yellow and a hero from the Cultists Germanic faction with two hunting Hounds of Tindaloos.
I need to buy two packs of the naked Savage German Warriors for this faction. These guys are Cannibals so all models will be painted with blood painted hands and blood stained beards as well as some other blood spatters. I need to buy two packs of the naked Savage German Warriors for this faction. These guys are Cannibals so all models will be painted with blood painted hands and blood stained beards as well as some other blood spatters.

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