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The Final Countdown (Thank goodness it's a leap year)

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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With today being the last full day that I have to get things finished (or as close as possible), I needed to get the final two rooms finished, the Library and the Dining Room.  The former is based on the Library from one of the original Scooby Doo shows and the Dining Room is loosely based on the one from Return to Zombie Island I think.

I started with the floors, texturing and marking out as before before cutting the floors from the block.  This time it was wooden floorboards for the Dining Room and stone slabs for the Library (textured with the old ball of tin foil).

The walls came next, scoring out the bookcases and books and marking out the wooden panels on the upper parts of the longer room.  Fair to say this took up a good bit of time.

Mod Podge and paint came next.  A straight Mod Podge for the book shelves and mix of grey paint and Mod Podge for the stone floor, I then added brown paint to this mix for all the wood including the bookcase frames.  Once this was dried I applied a black wash over all of this then waited for ever for this to dry.  After this it was the lower part of the Dining Room wall and then the fun part – painting all the books.

I also took this time to paint the outside of the previous rooms.

Then it was just a case of glueing it all together.

Of course when writing this I realised I had missed the grid in the Dining Room but but it’s not important as the panels on the walls can be used for movement purposes.

Tomorrow is time o put the finishing touches but as I only have a few hours I guess I won’t get all the doors and furniture finished but we’ll see.

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