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Underneath Castle Fier

Underneath Castle Fier

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French Officer (Eagle Figures French Line Officer (metal))

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The background is from the Jon Hodgson Backdrops bookThe background is from the Jon Hodgson Backdrops book
French Officer (Eagle Figures French Line Officer (metal))

Primed: Sand Grey (Vallejo).

Wash: Payne’s Grey then varnished matt/satin.

Drybrush: Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Color).


  • Base – Tan Earth (Vallejo Model Air)
  • Wash – Strong Tone (Army Painter)
  • 1st Highlight – Tan Earth mixed with Ice Yellow (Vallejo Model Color)
  • 2nd Highlight – Ice Yellow
  • Glaze – Tan Earth

Black– Liquitex Black Ink mixed with glaze medium.

Red– Plasma Red (Vallejo Xpress Color) watered down and applied in two coats.

Blue- Black Lotus watered down and applied in two coats.

Metallics (all varnishing done before metallic step):

  • Base – Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Model Color) mixed with airbrush thinner or for the brass/gold Hoplite Gold (Speed Paint 2.0).
  • Wash – Strong Tone (Army Painter).
  • Highlight – Silver (Vallejo Game Color) mixed with flow improver.
  • Brass/Gold Highlight – highlight of Hoplite Gold (Speed Paint 2.0) over previous metallic steps.

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