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Dungeonalia - The Monstrous Denizens of Palooka Four

Dungeonalia - The Monstrous Denizens of Palooka Four

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Days 4 & 5

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Completed(?) Ferradversus DiaboliCompleted(?) Ferradversus Diaboli

The completion of the Ferradversus Diaboli on the fourth day was surprising as I was the part of this project I was most intimidated of was making a camouflaged character. It’s something I’ve never done before. Turns out that choosing a rocky planet with gray/blue grass, interrupted only tufts of bright blue plants, makes for a rather simple painting scheme. It’s been rather fun all told, but depending how I feel I might return to him. I could brighten his eyes, make his teeth rows pop more, and in general add some slight blue dabs to mimic the terrain I use. That said, still happy with this fellow being done by Day 4.

The rest of day 4 went smoothly. I built out the colouring of the Terribilis Dolorus‘; their fruiting caps being multicoloured while the light originated from their feet. Trying to make shadowing go upward instead of down was quite a challenge for my visualisation skills, but I’m really happy how it is turning out. The faces wreathed in darkness thanks to the short range of light provided by the feet, with flashes of teeth the main distinct features, is a nice effect.

Meanwhile, I gave up on searching for real life inspiration for the Homosimilis Scarabaeus, opting for a simple wash of Citadel Wadzag Yellow contrast paint. Unfortunately one of the pincers wasn’t attached properly, and came off with the brush. I shall be reattaching it near the end when I’m doing finishing details.

Day 5 I decided to go as far down the rabbithole that I could, painting the faces of the Terribilis Dolorus with various shades of dark green. Along with adding a touch of peachy-brown to the fruiting cap I thought it appropriate to move them into basing. I decided on a humble brown wash, which makes the rocks appropriately cave-y.

For the Homosimilis Scarabaeus I wanted to distinguish between the more and less armoured pieces. Therefore I went for the same peachy brown as the Terribilis Dolorus for the insides of the arms and the abdominal muscles / intestines along with a very thin flat red wash. For the scales I added another yellow wash, this time a much lighter Citadel contrast. I also added Oily Metal by Game Colors to areas that looked like pipes to give added points of visual interest.

As I’m nearing the end of this project, I’m glad that Dungeonalia 2023 has given me the chance to paint a number of my pile of shame miniatures. Tying them together with a theme, and even creating a very simple dungeon run to include them all works great to motivate me to paint. Combined with my unofficial Burrows and Badgers project, I think I’ll be doing these themed projects much more often.


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