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Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

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And finally…

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
And finally…

Finally, to finish off Dungeonalia 2023/4, some actual hobby!  While I was playing through my adventure, I decided I really wanted a proper vault entrance for my ‘dungeon’.  The Battle Systems terrain was great for laying out the rooms and corridors, but the vault entrance itself is a really iconic image in Fallout.  I found this one on Etsy.  The STLs are from the Atomic Shelter Kickstarter by M3Studios, and printed via commercial licence by Gray at Woofoo Workshop.

The kit arrived way faster than expected (I didn’t expect it to arrive before the end of my adventure) so I was able to use it for the last scene in my scenario, albeit unpainted.

I only decided to do a Dungeonalia project half way through the 3 month duration, and it turned out that I had bitten off a bit more than I could chew with the adventure/scenario itself and finishing on time.  So I prioritised getting that finished, but having now done so I decided to get some paint on it before February comes to an end!

Firstly, I added 3x1mm magnets to the pieces so that they hold together securely in use, but don’t require permanent assembly.  The kit comes with the holes to do so, which is very useful.

Then I primed it with black spray (Spectre Black from TT Combat), and then a light dusting with a silver spray from Army Painter.

Then some simple airbrushing.  Russ Grey (Citadel) to give a blue/grey tint to the walls.  Then Vallejo Burnt Umber to weather it down and make it look dirty and old.  I used a Citadel yellow to give some industrial colour to the railings, and dirtied that down as well with Burnt Umber.  I also used some blue and green speedpaints through the airbrush onto the vault door itself to give it a kind of reinforced steel look, but again using Umber to make it look old and post apocalyptic.

And that’s it.  I popped some of my bits and pieces in it for some photos.  Perhaps next year, I’ll work on adding to it with some more prints from that same Kickstarter… we’ll see!

For now I am happy to call this project closed.

And finally…

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Cult of Games Member

Thanks for posting this little adventure. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it all and looking forward to hearing about adventures beyond the vault.

Lovely painted figures too by the way.

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