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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Some Game Convention Reporting

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So while I was at DundraCon one of my friends who has also recently discovered Marvel Crisis Protocol brought his collection and we worked through several turns to try out the game.  I would have taken more “Battle Report” pictures but we were busy learning the rules and his minis all still being primed black made for confusing pictures.  I was so happy to get to use my Secret Weapon Terrain Tiles as they are such nice urban streets.

I didn't run Captain Marvel but did want a picture of her on the terrainI didn't run Captain Marvel but did want a picture of her on the terrain
Crossbones also didn't make my team buts looks good posed on the scenery.Crossbones also didn't make my team buts looks good posed on the scenery.
My team of four, based entirely on what I had painted.  Red Skull, Winter Soldier, Spiderman, and She-Hulk.My team of four, based entirely on what I had painted. Red Skull, Winter Soldier, Spiderman, and She-Hulk.
She-Hulk threw a lamp post at Cap. WHAM!She-Hulk threw a lamp post at Cap. WHAM!
Spidey swung in to help control the objective.Spidey swung in to help control the objective.
Immortal Hulk claims the center objective while throwing cars and other terrainImmortal Hulk claims the center objective while throwing cars and other terrain

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