Malifaux Title Masters
Fancy hats and murder
Well if you like morally gray characters, this box isn’t for you! One of these men is a violent misogynist who is responsible for untold deaths, and the other is a violent misogynist who is responsible for untold deaths and brings his victims back with necromancy… pretty typical for Malifaux I s’pose.
My Seamus crew is done up on wood floor bases since he is known for breaking into shady brothels and killing and then raising all of the ladies. It was an older basing scheme when I was just getting my feet wet in the hobby, so I might go back and redo that crew at some point.
Som’er is one of the many Bayou crews, and there are only so many different varieties of bayou bases I could come up with. So for his crew I decided to buy these little plastic base inserts to spice things up a bit. It’ll be interesting to try to find a way to blend them.
This is the easiest way I have come up with to do wood floors. I start with a little disc to sit inside the lip of the base, you can use whatever material, its mostly just there to be a guide. Than I take coffee stirrers, and glue them to the disc. Trim them up with some snips and then maybe sand the edges if its too rough, and youre pretty much good to go. You can cut some lines along the boards if you wanna bring out the texture, or poke holes into the ends to represent nails.
The base inserts for Som’er are pretty tall, but I decided that I liked the idea of just cutting a bit off one side and making it look like a little platform in the bayou along a tree stump. Maybe the White Rabbit Co. have set up a platform to sell their wares to the gremlins without getting the cart all muddy.
After I cut down one side of the base, I made a half disc of wood floor and fitted it to the empty area. Then everything got a black primer, and a simple paint job. Light brown for the wood, wash and drybrush. Gray drybrush on the bark and 2 greens on some of the vegetation.
Somehow I always forget to take WIP pics of the models…
There wasn’t anything especially unique about these paint jobs, except that Som’er and the White Rabbit Co. have a ton of little bits. This version of Som’er is all about looting, so he is carrying all kinds of crap, and the White Rabbit Co. has all these little spools and tools and stuff in its cart. Mostly just time consuming to hit all the little bits.
I tried to focus on a few areas that looked particularly interesting. Seamus’ flowers, Som’ers feather and cigar, and the pink on the White Rabbit Co. guys clothing. I think they pop pretty good.
They all look kinda friendly and inviting when you see them like this. Don’t let them fool you, they are all horrible.
One step closer to having all of the title boxes done. But now for some lore!
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