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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Quick Fire Kami

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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My son wanted to use some Fire kami in his warband list and we didn’t have any models. This was easily rectified through the medium of Thingiverse and a 3d printer and the search term ‘fire elemental’. A quick resizing of the stl and 2 hours in the printer and we had a couple of fire kamis ready to paint.

In game, all kami (of which there are quite a few) are cheap and cannot interact with objectives. They also tend to be weak in a fight and low health. However, they all have the Durable special rule meaning they can only ever take a maximum of 1 damage per combat, so they take a little bit of effort to remove. They all have an annoying ability which either buffs your own troops, or debuffs the enemy. In the case of the fire kami, it can shoot small fire balls which causes damage and a flame attack. So in conclusion, they are annoying enough to want to kill but insignificant enough to really make you question whether you should be wasting your time on doing so. They really create a dilemma for the opposition.

Painting wise, this was a really basic and quick paint job. I watered down a yellow, orange and red and then based the entire model in yellow. While the paint was still wet, I’ve picked out the higher areas in orange and then red. This was all slopped on and I’ve allowed to the paint to mix on the model. Finally, once dry, I gave everything a yellow glaze (or two) to tie it all together. It all took a couple of hours.

Not perfect or going to win any awards, but quick and good enough for the table top.

Flaming frontFlaming front
Flaming arse viewFlaming arse view

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