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Dungeonalia - The Monstrous Denizens of Palooka Four

Dungeonalia - The Monstrous Denizens of Palooka Four

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Days 2 & 3

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Day 2 ProgressDay 2 Progress

Day 2 was similar to day 1 insofar as it was mostly prep work. Ensuring that the Homosimilis Scarabaeus‘ pincers were held in by green stuff and everyone can be properly based.

Day 3 ProgressDay 3 Progress

Day 3 was spend on block painting the Terribilis Dolorus. The main body is Citadel’s Striking Scorpion Green (Contrast), leather and bags are Game Color’s Leather, the fruiting caps are a thin wash of Citadel’s Abaddon Black followed by a thin was of Tamiya Khaki.

Now it doesn’t look like much now, but I’m going with the Mycena lucentipes as inspiration. They have brown fleshy caps which darken in the recesses, and have glowing green flesh which glows stronger the farther you go towards the base. To help this transition I provided an additional coat of the green onto the faces, to darken them up a tad.

It seems counterintuitive to me to have the light be at the feet and it get darker towards the faces, but I’m pretty excited for the experimentation. I also have prepped the Ferradversus Diaboli with Eshen Grey but I don’t have a picture of that right now.

The goals going forward is to continue highlighting the fungus men, make a decision on the type of colouring I want for the Homosimilis Scarabaeus, and figure out how I’m going to make camouflage. I’m thinking applying some tufts and painting them so it looks as if things are growing out of the lil dude.

It’s all part of the fun.

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