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Building Balin's Tomb With 144Artist

Building Balin's Tomb With 144Artist

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Prepping the Floor Tiles

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I spent my Monday off working on several projects.  As these would be quick and easy to paint I decided to get all the flat floor tiles ready.  I started by creating pools of thin superglue where i wanted rubble.  I then carefully placed larger stones in those pools.  I didn’t want these to be too large as they would interfere with moving figures around.  I then added smaller bits of gravel before applying the finest grain “sand”.  This is actually activated charcoal from used up water filters and darn handy.  Once everything had dried the tiles were spray painted black to prime.  When that layer had dried I went over it all with watered down Tacky Glue.  When I get home from work today I will spray one more layer of black primer.  I am hoping this helps hold down all the gravel as well as reducing some of those pesky layer lines.

Big rocks glued down first.Big rocks glued down first.
Fish Tank gravel is perfect for the next layer.Fish Tank gravel is perfect for the next layer.
Activated charcoal is a nice fine grain.Activated charcoal is a nice fine grain.
All the floor tiles dryingAll the floor tiles drying
One layer of black primer drying and waiting for glue sealant.One layer of black primer drying and waiting for glue sealant.

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