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The belon tames the butterfly for a day

The belon tames the butterfly for a day

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12.14 making a terminator captain.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Thought it would be cool idea to convert the captain so he has a power sword.Thought it would be cool idea to convert the captain so he has a power sword.

Cut off his powerfist with snippers leaving a big gouge in his leg.

Never fear as purity seals quick and easily cover a huge amount of sins.

Bam ? Made the purity seal from two slithers of card and a blob of green stuff.

Found some metal terminator bits whilst looking for a power sword so that's the 2nd captain sorted.Found some metal terminator bits whilst looking for a power sword so that's the 2nd captain sorted.
Making the purity seal from card stripsMaking the purity seal from card strips
A blob of greenstuff was then added as well as a cool tilting shield that I foundA blob of greenstuff was then added as well as a cool tilting shield that I found
Swish new sword and a greenstuff elbowSwish new sword and a greenstuff elbow

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