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Younglings:  prep and Play Tor Vaden

Younglings: prep and Play Tor Vaden

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Room 3: Torture Room

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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We finally enter a Torture room. A prisoner in the centre of the room, on seeing the door open, rushes away from his captor. Billy continues to be reckless and charges towards the gnoll sergeant, who is more than able to match him blow for blow. A healing spell from Yoric keeps Billy in the battle, burning mark from Jack is almost pointless but Mr Spikey comes to the rescue again.

Billy is first to search the clue on the sergeants body, and finds a Book of Astronomy.

Mr Spikey gives the escaped prisoner a sword for self defence, and then proceeds to take on one of the remaining guards. He reduces the guards health but it is Mr Spikey, again, who deals the fatal blow.

The final guard is quickly dispatched by the deadly bow skills of Ragnar.


The torture room is cleared and we can look forward to ascending the stairs to see what is at the top of Tor Valen tower, probably in the school Easter holidays.


This is the first time my youngest, 7 year old, has sat through a ROSD mission. Previously she’s got bored after a couple of turns and has wandered off. I think the ‘jump cut’ nature of the rooms changing kept her attention a little more than normal. That and the fact that her ogre was a tank. As I’ve said previously, I know Rangers aren’t supposed to have ogre companions but I think Joe McCullough wouldn’t mind as it’s getting the next generation involved in his games.

Now that Mr Spikey has Spike the dog to keep him company I expect she’ll be back to see how the end of the scenario plays out.

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