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Younglings:  prep and Play Tor Vaden

Younglings: prep and Play Tor Vaden

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Room 2: Storage Room

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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After making such a impact in the last room, Mr Spikey makes the beachhead in the storage room. Taking in his surroundings he heads to a guard in one corner.  Billy is also filled with blood lust and charges in towards the other corner.

The guards move toward the closest targets, but there’s no base to base contact yet.

Round two.

In a surprise to no one, Mr Spikey dispatches a guard as we might swat away a bothersome fly. Billy follows in kind and rolls a natural 20, and in the blink of an eye the room is reduces to two guards.

The remaining guards take no heed however, and bravely rush towards the invaders.

D20 in flightD20 in flight
A natural 20. A natural 20.

Round 3. Mr Spikey vs a guards. As we know by now there’s only ever one outcome. Bye bye guard.

Billy rushes towards the final guard, rolls and… fails. Taking 7 damage he’s in danger of being reduced to 0 in the next round of combat. This doesn’t go down well with the 9 year old. Luckily other companions are now in the room and an hastily notched arrow from Mr Strong and some back up from Lagertha removes the threat.

With the storage room cleared, we can inspect the clue tokens. Billy finds some ‘Golden beer’ which is basically a healing potion (how fortunate) while Mr Spikey finds the towers dog, which has been beaten by the evil gnoll/orcs. The rule book says this gives you a bonus the next time you ‘recruit’ a hound. But the 7 year old knows that she found a dog and wants a dog now. Luckily part of my pile of potential is the Warhammer Underworlds kit ‘Hexbane’s Hunters’ which has two dogs. Her brother quickly gets to work with the clippers and cement to give Mr Spikey a dog.

“We need a name for the dog” I say.

She thinks for a moment …. “Spike”. So we have Mr Spikey with his dog Spike. Actually, that seems like a very ogre thing to do.

Emergency dog. Emergency dog.

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