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Younglings:  prep and Play Tor Vaden

Younglings: prep and Play Tor Vaden

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Battle report: Room 1 Shaman's Workshop

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Thanks to our success in the last mission, there’s no need to stealthy sneak upto the tower of Tor Vaden, nor to pick the lock of the main gate as we’d found the keys. So we fling open the gates and take the occupants by surprise.

Our warband consists of 3 Rangers, one for me and my two children, and their companions.
My 7 year old daughter’s Ranger is called ‘Powerful’, who is indeed powerful yet nimble as he has the heroic abilities dash and evade. He is accompanied by his long term friend Mr Strong and the ogre mercenary Mr Spikey.

The 9 year old’s Ranger is called Jack the Wizard, who is a specialist spell caster, loaded up with attacking spells such as fireball and burning mark. Jack always bring Billy the Barbarian to provide some muscle and Archie the archer to give some covering fire.

The warband is completed by Ranger Ragnar with Yoric the healer and Lagertha the warrior.


Turn one: the shaman performing necromancy as the rangers burst in. Turn one: the shaman performing necromancy as the rangers burst in.

Our warband quickly recognise the threat of the Shaman animating his flesh golem, so a ranger (Ragnor)  combined with a companion (Mr Strong) , loosing an  arrow each. The arrows fly true and take down the Shaman before he can do any damage.  Billy the barbarian closes in one on the guards and Jack moves out of the way of the door to allow for the rest of the warband to enter next turn.

The guards move towards our heroes, forcing Jack into combat. It’s no great challenge for Jack who wounds the guard with his staff.

Battle report: Room 1 Shaman's Workshop

Round 2. Mr Spikey emerges through the door (thumbs up from the 7 year old) and quickly closes towards the 2nd guard.

Billy comes to his mate Jack’s aid and comes into base to base contact with the guard in combat with Jack. The surprise flank attack proves fatal for the hapless orc who is meant to be an orc.

It’s the final guards turn, and he foolishly decides to go toe to toe with Mr Spikey. It’s a fatal error.

Battle report: Room 1 Shaman's Workshop

The room cleared of the enemy we head onto the second room…

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