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Hallways lead to this

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This is the largest/longest room in the Mansion and is being constructed in 3 sections.

I first cut some pieces of the chipboard to fit inside the walls so basically two 5 inch square and one 10 x 5.  I scored these to mark out the playable grid.

Hallways lead to this

I decided to theme the hallway on the Red Room from the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks (and also the dream world in Mystery Incorporated), something I would regret.  I first of all painted the floor with some white artists acrylics then tried to make a stamp for the brown zig-zags.  This failed miserably leaving a blotchy brown mess so I had to paint over this again with the white.

In the end I cut a template from card, drew round the outline and painted each zig and every zag – twice as the brown paint didn’t give full coverage with just one coat.

In the end the pattern drifted slightly but overall I’m pleased with the result, although I felt a bit sick after staring at that pattern for so long (I can see why Lynch used it)

Hallways lead to this

The other defining feature of the Red Room is the red curtains instead of walls.  For this I used a long spoon-like sculpting tool to push into the foam creating wavy patterns close to each other to look like the folds of a curtain.  This was then painted using a mixture of mod podge, red craft paint and a touch of brown darken it down.  After a couple of coats of this all over, I used the pure red just to add a touch of highlight to the top folds of the curtains.

Finally time to glue all this together, the long section was the trickiest as it was important to have them aligned with the 2 end sections with no spacers or supports.

And the dice tell me that the next room is the Kitchen.

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