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Grand Army of Altdof

Grand Army of Altdof

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Rebasing the cavalry.

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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With the change of base size, and with the way that the older Warhammer FB cavalry figures, I knew that I wasn’t going to do the whole thing of taking them off their bases and replacing them with new bases.

NOW, in retrospect, maybe I should have gotten the conversion movement trays from Sarissa Precision. Instead, when Greenstuff World released their conversion bases, I had to get them.

They’re good for what they do for sure. Though I found that the fit on Sarissa Precision movement trays for cavalry is a bit TOO tight, which necessitated a combination of filing on the bases and the tray’s inner sides as well until I got a good fit.

So, I’ve rebased all of my cavalry models; 1 Empire General on Barded Horse,  Pistoliers, and 8 Inner Circle Knights. And the bases do the job well, no lie about that. However, if you look at the pictures, you’ll notice a problem:

Combining the current bases and the conversion bases leaves a small but noticeable gap. It’s only about 2-3mm wide, but it is something noticeable when not painted. So I’m stuck on the best way to cover it up. I’m thinking maybe brownstuff or greenstuff to fill it up so I can cover the bases with sand and then paint and flock the bases as I want.

The Pistoliers and the General’s horse will get a new all over paintjob in general.

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