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Epic Dungeonering

Epic Dungeonering

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Playtesting 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Had another go at playing the game with the changes from last time. This time Emmie managed to press gang my wife into playing with us, who provided a fresh set of eyes.

Playtesting 2

The one thing that happened was that we ended up playing two games as the first dungeon ended up drawing three dead ends. The second game ended up been a more drawn out affair. So what did we noticed this time.

●The game needs more corridor pieces or interesting rooms with at least two access points.

●The game needs more event cards. It can get a little repetitive. More traps and possibly treasure.. But could do with something else

●Personal the constant rolling a d6 and adding a number feels a bit arbitrary.

●The same is true for the number of monsters per room. Maybe consider adding numbers to the cards to reflect the numbers of monsters in the room.


I have another playtesting session booked in for later this week, so I will have a go at doing some of the changes

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