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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 17 - Raven

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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How it startedHow it started

Super early paint today, managed to get a couple of hours in whilst watching some hobby chat show on YouTube that gets released every week, you should check it out…… Anyway, painted up Raven who is the Bot form of Nightbird. It’s a cool sculpt but is let down by it’s pose, it’s looking down as if dropping in from above, but has its foot on a rock which just looks weird to me, even if landing I’d expect it’s head to be tilted up and not looking down.

Also the gun barrel has warped, this was originally fixed by heat treatment but has gone back to being bent over time, a bit annoying but it’s what it is and these aren’t in anyway going near a competition so…..

Anyway, I decided to grab some in progress shots of the general COILS Vengeance painting process as it’s been a while since I posted a more in depth update.

The following shots show off the different colours being applied, and whilst it doesnt go into too much detail about the final steps as this is pretty fluid and changes for each model, it’s the basic process that every miniature I’m painting is following. Enjoy….

AK Interactive 3rd Gen Anthracite with a little Reaper Woodland green on most of the armour panelsAK Interactive 3rd Gen Anthracite with a little Reaper Woodland green on most of the armour panels
P3 Ironhull Grey in the under armour joints P3 Ironhull Grey in the under armour joints
Darkstar Molten Metals Steel on the joint rivets, rear thrusters, internal mechanics, and weaponDarkstar Molten Metals Steel on the joint rivets, rear thrusters, internal mechanics, and weapon
P3 Armour Shade washed over the whole model and base, P3 Armour Shade washed over the whole model and base,
Highlights added with P3 Frostbite mixed into the AK Anthracite Highlights added with P3 Frostbite mixed into the AK Anthracite
Blacklining around joints and panels with Citadel Contrast Black LegionBlacklining around joints and panels with Citadel Contrast Black Legion
How it Ended - suddenly a RavenHow it Ended - suddenly a Raven

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