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Grand Designs or How to Build a Mansion Entrance Hall

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I am going to take it one room at a time from now on and what better place to start than with the entrance hall.

My plan for this room is to have wood panelled walls with a tile floor so the first thing to do is to add the wood grain texture to the foam walls.  This meant taking out the wire brush and dragging it top to bottom along all the walls.  I also added the panels using the tried and tested method of scoring the foam with the craft knife before opening out the grooves with a ball point pen.

I also decided that a skirting board would suit the look of this room and this is why you never throw anything away.  Specifically in this case the bits you push your MDF kits out of, some of the strips are the perfect thickness for the skirting and just need to be trimmed down and patched to get the correct lengths with no nubs.

These were glued to the walls with a fast drying PVA using a piece of 3mm EVA stuck to a piece of the base chipboard to ensure that it would leave the correct gap at the bottom of the wall to fit against the floor.

This does mean that any door clips I make will have to stop short of the floor but as we will be looking down on this at an angle I am not concerned about this.

For the floor I decided to use 3mm EVA foam (craft foam from the hobby shop in this case) as it has a smooth texture and has the added advantage that when scored with a knife and heated gently with a a heat gun the scores open out to make clearly defined gaps between the tiles.  It also allows the ties to double as the 1 inch grid.

Disadvantages of 3mm EVA, it tends to pull with the knife blade so getting perfectly square corners is almost impossible and if you linger too long with the heat gun it will start to bubble and warp ie. melt.  This did happen to me on one edge but I think I have rescued it.

Grand Designs or How to Build a Mansion Entrance Hall

Next it was time to seal and prime everything,  as I used white EVA for the floor and at least some of the floor will be white, I used straight Mod Podge to seal this.   I am still undecided whether to leave the floor all white, alternate with black or just add a wash.  I do feel like the corners and edges should be darkened down a little to add a more creepy atmosphere.

For the walls I mixed in some brown craft paint, this means I will not need the extra step of base coating the walls and should be able to get away with a dry brushing and wash to bring out the wood grain.

I will also seal the backs of the wall and floor to give more strength to the structure.I will also seal the backs of the wall and floor to give more strength to the structure.

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