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Malifaux Title Masters

Malifaux Title Masters

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Mr. McCabe and the good doctor

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Next up we are tackling Lucas McCabe and Dr. McMourning. Both upstanding gentlemen, never done anything to hurt anyone. Certainly not.

McCabe has a story that takes place in the Sahara Desert, so when I did his crew, I used crackle paint to make these desert type bases. They are a little boring since its hard to add variation.

McMourning is all about poison, so his crew is based up on simple dirt bases with little rivers and puddles of poisonous fluid.

To combine them, I think ill do a desert base and put some green liquid in the cracks. Ezpz

For the poison base, I started off with a simple sandy base, leaving a little channel for the water effects. I primed it, painted it a dark brown, and then drybrushed up to a tan. Then I painted 2 different greens into the channel, and filled it with water effects.

The desert bases just need to be covered in some gloss coat, and then covered in spackle paint. After a base coat of a light brown, I drybrushed some lighter sandy colors over top until I liked how it looked.

The third base I did the same way, but then I cut some of the crackle paint out after it had dries. Into the holes I put some of the green water effects. I’m not sure I love the result, but it does the job.

McCabe 2.0 trades in his horse for a cooler gun. If you paint as much malifaux as I do, you get good at painting up leather. I picked out a brown I liked, hit it with a darker wash, and then did a careful drybrush to bring out the worn and faded look.

McMourning has a few new limbs, but otherwise its just like painting up any other ginger. I’m not sure I captured the crazy look adequately, but usually noone does.


The corpse curator is just a skelly with a cape. Which is pretty cool tbh. But a fairly simple paintjob. I always do my bones the same way, paint them off white and then do a light sepia wash.

And thats them. I was pretty happy with how the little vials on McMournings hip came out. I may need to go back and fix his face though. I usually dont paint the eyes or the lips, but his are big and emotive enough that I think it deserves a little work.

As always, some lore for anyone who is so inclined.

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