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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 13

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Unlucky for some, the number 13, but when everyday is rubbish you don’t notice! Until work is over and you can get painting again!? Despite the blistered fingers, the multicoloured painted nails and the odd superglued skin graft we soldier on.
Today was a drybrushing day. I managed to give the Mongoose and the two Democracy tanks a drybrush of pale green just to take away some of the darkness caused by Contrast paints.

My castle walls got a drybrush too.

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