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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 12 - Forktongue & Fortress(es)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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How it startedHow it started

Currently hitting one of my struggle points balancing this challenge and other commitments that I knew I’d be facing so running on only 3.5hrs sleep at the moment.

I wanted to get Forktongue and the COILS fortress both started and finished today, but I found my other Fortress in an old WIP pile, so decided that I’d get it painted up at the same time as my new Fortress.

2 fortresses! 2 fortresses!

Given the size of the fortress and in preparation for Conspiracy I went with the airbrush to paint the brown bases and also the Anthracite Armour panels. This worked well but when I went over with the Armour Wash shade, all of those flat panels were difficult to keep tidy. A minor set back but I adapted and instead of layering up new coats of Anthracite I stippled on some highlights with a really old frayed brush to create randomised interest on the flat panels. After 2 stages of highlights I glazed anthracite over to knock them back a bit. I’m happy with the result, it’s not perfect, but these are big pieces and I wanted to slightly weather the armour on the structures. They’ll get finished off tomorrow.

Forktongue also had his base and basecoats painted, and got its first shade applied. It doesn’t look too difficult to finish it and both Fortresses tomorrow, and then maybe start on Heavy Chopper depending on available time.

Forktongue is a very cool wolverine like botForktongue is a very cool wolverine like bot
How it endedHow it ended

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