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KoW Armada

KoW Armada

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Beware the rocks!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Sandbanks aren’t the only treacherous navigational obstacles out there, one must also evade the jagged rocks!

These are 3D prints using files from the Mantic Vault. There is enough here for a couple of tables and I am working on a third set in a different colour scheme to go on a green water mat. Other club members are going to work on more and we shall be well on our way!

Beware the rocks!
I even got a game in with this stuff already! (I lost, obviously)I even got a game in with this stuff already! (I lost, obviously)

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Jill Gorram Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looking good – glad to “sea” you back doing more Armada. It’s a good game (though I also don’t win) and not something you heard people talking about much

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