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KoW Armada

KoW Armada

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Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The first thing you need for an Armada tournament is sandbanks. And lots of them. The most a scenario asks for is four, and as I’m planning around needing up to ten tables worth I set about making forty!

Fortunately they are quick and easy. I saved up some cardboard from cereal boxes and Amazon packaging and cut to shape.

I have some thin XPS foam sheets and carved some small pieces to bulk up the dunes, sticking them down with PVA glue.

Step two was to sprinkle cork shavings and sand over for texture on the dunes.

Step three was to tear up toilet paper and mash it down with watered down PVA. At that point I painted!

Card with XPS foamCard with XPS foam
Texturing with cork & sandTexturing with cork & sand

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