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KoW Armada

KoW Armada

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So, you want to run a tournament...

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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So, you want to run a tournament...

Following a successful Kings of War tournament at my club back in October, I thought it would be a good idea to follow it up with… Armada!

I haven’t seen many tournaments being run for Armada so it seemed like a thing to try. Not having much to copy from means figuring it out as I go and as this is my first time running any sort of tournament there is a fair bit of muddling through!

I settled on three 2.5hr rounds at 200 points. I figure that between myself and club friends we could pull together ten decent tables of terrain in reasonable time so the event is capped at 20 players, although I don’t think we will hit that first time out. Still, one can dream.

My club is based in the little Oxfordshire village of Brightwell-Cum-Sotwell where there is a small village shop run by volunteers but nowhere to grab a sandwich so I am also catering the event! Such are the trials of trying to find a decent space to hire for a sane price in Oxfordshire.

But being in Oxfordshire and playing a game about boats does help to find a theme for the event….

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