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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 9 - Crawlers and Mole

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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How it startedHow it started

I sat down earlier and looked at everything I have left to paint, my calendar, and the deadline for this challenge…. And had a slight panic. I’d thought I’d gotten ahead to give myself some time, and if I was to use 2 passes I’m still having to complete at least one model a night to give me 5 days for Conspiracy. This is a lot of pressure so I’m hoping I don’t crack.


….anyway, with the new schedule firmly in my mind I had to group up the 3 Crawler bots and Mole together and smash them out tonight. It’s been a pretty full on week and my eyes are feeling it, so I rushed these a bit more than I’d have liked. But they’re still looking OK for the tabletop, and they are small. Plus with these I had the benefit of already painting the ROTD scale Crawler when I was working out my scheme color the COILS Vengeance force.


Short update as I’m off to Beachhead convention in Bournemouth in the morning, maybe one day there will be enough interest in Bot War for there to be a tournament there, or I get a chance to go back and demo it…. But sadly not this year.

Bases and basecoats before the shadingBases and basecoats before the shading
How it endedHow it ended
Crawlers in both 10mm and 30mm scaleCrawlers in both 10mm and 30mm scale

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