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Underneath Castle Fier

Underneath Castle Fier

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Artillerist (Eagle Figures Artillery Officer (metal))

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The background is from the Jon Hodgson Backdrops bookThe background is from the Jon Hodgson Backdrops book
Artillerist (Eagle Figures Artillery Officer (metal))

Primed: Taupe.

Wash: Payne’s Grey then varnished matt/satin.

Drybrush: Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Color).


  • Base – Tan Earth (Vallejo Model Air)
  • Wash – Strong Tone (Army Painter)
  • 1st Highlight – Tan Earth mixed with Ice Yellow (Vallejo Model Color)
  • 2nd Highlight – Ice Yellow
  • Glaze – Tan Earth

Blue: Omega Blue (Vallejo Xpress Color).

Black– Liquitex Black Ink mixed with glaze medium.

Blue grey– Space Grey (Vallejo Xpress Color).

Red– Plasma Red (Vallejo Xpress Color).

White– Ivory (Vallejo Model Color) followed by a glaze of Templar White (Vallejo Xpress Color).

Light Grey– Glaze of Templar White (Vallejo Xpress Color).

Yellow – Imperial Yellow (Vallejo Xpress Color ) over a base of Barbarian Flesh (Army Painter) that has been highlighted with Ice yellow (Vallejo Model Color).

Brown – Wasteland Brown (Vallejo Xpress Color).

Metallics (all varnishing done before metallic step):

  • Base – Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Model Color) mixed with Panzer Dark Grey and flow improver.
  • Wash – Strong Tone (Army Painter).
  • Highlight – Silver (Vallejo Game Color) mixed with flow improver.
  • Brass/Gold – layer of Hoplite Gold (Speed Paint 2.0) over previous metallic steps.

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