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Getting Into D&D 5e Adventures

Getting Into D&D 5e Adventures

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Dragon of Icespire Peak: Session 2 conclusion, Returning to Phandalin

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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I had the return to Phandalin planned out (see my notes below) and was happy that they decided to keep the Knight’s retrainers in town.  This gave me the opportunity to introduce a group of Neutral Evil adventurers that are mentioned later in the adventure, the Stone Cold Reavers.

The Knight was extremely upset that these people would hurt his friends.  I think they’ll be out for vengeance when they come across them later in the adventure.

After getting their reward, buying a magic item the Stone Cold Reavers sold to the town master, selling gems, etc. the party thought about their next quest.

They decided to follow up on the rumor “Tower of Storms” at their next quest.


“It is late at night when you arrive back in Phandalin. You decide it might be best to stop back at the inn for some food and a good nights sleep. You pass by the job board as you walk to the Inn. You see that the Gnomengarde job is no longer posted and the board appears empty. You decide that’ll you’ll speak with Townmaster Harbin Wester to get your rewards first thing in the morning.

You get to the Stonehill Inn and see Sir Richard’s companions sitting at a table. As you approach you see that they appear bruised and battered. They share a run-in with a group of ruffians that didn’t like that we had taken most of the beds at the Inn. They started to speak ill of them and the adventurers, causing a fight to break out.
As you eat your dinner and share stories with the other patrons you overhear a rumor.

Share rumor 5 Tower of Storms pg 9

You then head to your rooms for a well deserved nights rest

Meet with Harbin and receive rewards.

Harbin asks you a question. “Since you’ve done such an excellent job, can you put these postings up on the job board for me? (Sliding three pieces of paper and 3 silver coins under the door), Another adventuring group calling themselves the Stone Cold Reavers took the last job off the board (Gnomengarde). You all seem a lot nicer than that group and this’ll give you first pick at the next job if you want one” he say’s cheerily. “They did end up finding some useful magical equipment. I bought Hat of Wizardry off of them. I’d be happy to sell it to you for what I paid since you’re so nice to me. They had some other items they wanted to sell too. You might want to check Barathen’s Provisions, Lionsheild Coster (run by Linene Graywind), or Phandalin Miner’s Exchange (Halia Thornton guildmaster) see pg 8-9.

What is your choice for your next adventure?
Rumor: Visit the lighthouse and shipwrecks on the coast, maybe treasure in the shipwrecks?

Job 1: Investigate the Orcs at Butterskull Ranch, 100 GP after completion

Job 2: Take supplies to the logging camp, 100 GP after completion

Job 3: Escort Don-Jon Raskin to the Mountain Toe Gold Mine, 100 GP after completion

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