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Getting Into D&D 5e Adventures

Getting Into D&D 5e Adventures

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Dragon of Icespire Peak: Session 2, Wilderness Encounter

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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I started this encounter by describing their travel and using the below notes I wrote up.

“Session 2: Dwarven Excavation Adventure pg 22-23 Recap Adventure (Saving Adabra, Manticore, Orcs…)

After gathering supplies, you set off into the wilderness. This is your first time traveling off road and you all feel your senses heightened in these new surroundings. After many hours of walking through the hills and woods you begin to see the foot of the mountains. You decide it might be best to set up camp before hiking into the mountains. You find an area that you feel would make a great campsite and set up for dinner. As night approaches, what do you do? Do they set up watches, etc?

Roll for the time when the attack occurs, resolve combat. Goblins”

They did a great job describing what they did the evening.  The Druid scouted the surrounding area and I told him that there was wildlife in the trees, but that there didn’t seem to be many signs of ground animals.  I was saying this imply that there was something in the woods scaring off the animals or eating them ie the goblins.

The group set up watch and I rolled to see when the Goblins would arrive.  They were scheduled to arrive on the third player/final watch.  I then rolled again to see what hour they would arrive and it was right before everyone was to awake.

The Goblins surround and attack the camp!The Goblins surround and attack the camp!

I decided to make the goblins a little weaker than normal by having them only use clubs and wear leather armor.  I was able to use 18 goblins for this encounter.

Sissal raised an alarm in time for the rest of the party to be ready as the Goblins moved in to attack.  Waffle and Sir Richard won initiative, followed by the Goblins, and Sissal went last.

Sir Richard charged into the Goblins and began cleaving them down with his longswordSir Richard charged into the Goblins and began cleaving them down with his longsword
Waffle changed into Bear shape and began mauling the GoblinsWaffle changed into Bear shape and began mauling the Goblins

Sir Richard and Waffle led the charge into the goblins.  Waffle in bear form is very powerful.  With a single bite he was able to kill a goblin.  He still rolled for his claw attacks and I decided to make it fun by having him describe how he was swiping and having him roll a Dex Check.  He succeeded with the check and I had the goblin go flying into another nearby goblin, causing it to go prone.

Sissal the Warlock began struggling against a goblin foeSissal the Warlock began struggling against a goblin foe

Sissal the Warlock began to get swarmed by goblins on the other side of the camp.  Sir Richard rushed to his aid taking on three goblins while Waffle continued to rampage through nearby goblins.  Striking a goblin so hard it flew into a tree.

A goblin decided to start running away at the site of the bear attack.

Once Sissal was able to disengage from hand to hand, I had him roll perception.  Hidden in one of the trees was the Kobold from the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle campaign that is scouting for Cryovain the White Dragon.  Sissal didn’t manage to spot him at first.

After a few more turns of combat, all of the goblins had been defeated for fled.  The part was then able to spot a red small winged creature fly off.  They remembered the rumors that this creature was spotted before the Dragon arrived in an area.  There initial thought is that the Dragon might be hunting it.

They searched the bodies and disposed of them before preparing for the hike into the mountains.

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