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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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Well I might as well be “Rockin’ All Over The World” because my painting is feeling all Status Quo today. I managed to get a good hour after faffing around with the 3D printer and doing some robotics with my daughter. But that hour seemed to yield little.
I finished adding a little more dark to the recesses of the ninja. I also contrast painted their belt colours. I don’t know if anyone noticed but the belts are coloured in the TMNT colours, with the exception of Sickle who is honourary Pink Ranger and two honourary Yellow Rangers. ? I gave some of the 3D printed bases a quick coat of grey.
Ninjas Day 6Ninjas Day 6
Leviathon got his gold pieces prepped with some Goldbrown base colour, then I gave him a contrast coat of Turquiose to get into the recesses and darken the drybrush.
Finally Gorg got some fluoro pink to highlight his brain! Then I drybrushed some yellow on the lower tentacle surface and a little deeper green on the sides for shade.
And that’s it for today. Things got lighter, things got darker.?
Overlord GorgOverlord Gorg

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