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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I thought I was being clever by choosing a couple of squads of Ninja. This would give me a banker of 11 figures, thus meeting the minimum requirements and being mainly black, the paint scheme should not be too difficult. But normally I like individuals who I can think about and craft a story, with the ninja at best your ninja Fred or ninja Jerry, so after painting ninja number 7 (let’s call him Bert), I found my interest waning. For those who remember the Fast Show and the painter character, I was quickly seeing black everywhere. ?

Rise of the Democracy NinjasRise of the Democracy Ninjas

So i changed it up a little and started on Overlord Gorg, who is more of an individual. I’ve got a great idea for him (if it works), along the theme of alien invaders.

Botwar Overlord GorgBotwar Overlord Gorg

I also painted a few tiny missiles which I had sitting around in a drawer as I’m going to arm my Strikeforce plane when I get to that miniature.


Finally I got some primer on a thug from Beat Em Up who I have converted with The Adventurer’s gun arm and then I cut off his head. I then stuck some red resin blood splatter that I made by mixing resin and curing while pulling it with a cocktail stick. Beat Em Up is about to get gory! He is going to be part of the scene for one of the main character’s bases.

Beat Em Up ThugBeat Em Up Thug
Beat Em Up Thug - Gory!Beat Em Up Thug - Gory!

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