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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 5 - Deepstate

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 2


How it startedHow it started

Day 5 and continuing with the theme of ABTs I decided to paint up Deepstate who is the Bot form of the ABT Drone. This allowed me to easily repeat the steps I had taken on the ABTs as most of the shapes were the same and easily identifiable.

I stated off painting a basecoat on the Bot in the Ak Anthracite, P3 iron hull grey, and the track units in Darkstar Gun Metal. The base was also painted with 3 coats of brown to get everything to the same place.

The whole model was then treated with shade of P3 Armour Wash, and then the main panels were picked back out again in Anthracite.

Edges were highlighted the same as the ABTs and the base was drybrushed with citadel longbeard.

I think I had some blue or turquoise ink in my brush or water when I was glazing as the main colour is a bit too far into the blue zone for my liking, so I may fix it later. I’d also like to go back and fix up the magenta and turquoise spot colours at a later date if I have the time as they’re not great, but I must press on for now.

Anyway, Deepstate “done”

How it endedHow it ended
Deepstate with the ABT DronesDeepstate with the ABT Drones

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