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Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

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The War In The Willows

Tutoring 6
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Idea 6
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So I decided to do my own themed army – the Riverbank Alliance – it’s basically a re-skinned herd army with the heroes being Wind in the Willows based characters backed up with forest spirits and some anthropomorphic otters and mice.

The War In The Willows

The figures above are from the delightful Northumbrian Tin Soldier boxset. I may use the others in the set as commanders on some of the regiments.

I haven’t ruled out putting Toad on a chariot either.

The otters and mice will be prints from Duncan Shadow.

I also intend to ransack a boardgame for the ‘harpys’ which will be bird riding mice.

The War In The Willows

The herd army list I have based this army on features centaurs, and I wanted to include some at some point. Then I thought what about half horse and half otter.

So I set about searching for modular centaurs I could potentially do a head swap on, no joy

I found some 3d editing software online and downloaded it to try and mash two models together. I got there and had a very rough and ready file.

Unsure if it would work I saved it as an stl file then put it into a slicer to add supports and create a file to print.

Printed 10 got 8 good ones, my bed needs relevelling so not unexpected.

I give you... Ottaurs I give you... Ottaurs

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Cult of Games Member

Love the idea behind this army – definitely feel like they are going to be the ottaurs of their own destiny

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