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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 4 - ABTs

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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How it startedHow it started

Continuing on from yesterday’s batch paint session I wanted to get these ABTs finished off. Having already gotten the Anthracite base colours down the first thing I did was to apply a straightforward coat of Darkstate Molten Metals Gun Metal to the gun barrel and track units. With this dry I then gave the whole tank (not the base) a thinned shade of P3 Armour Wash to give some contrasting tones in the recesses.

You can see the difference the shade makes to the on the left tankYou can see the difference the shade makes to the on the left tank
Day 4 - ABTs

With the shade applied and dry (handy hobby hairdryer lives on a hook under my hobby desk) I went back and layered over some more Anthracite green mix to reestablish the main colour on the hull leaving enough of the shaded parts to still give the contrast.

Then I went in with my first highlights along panel edges with very tiny jagged brushstrokes so that there wasn’t a defined edge. With the highlight mix being thinned to have transparency this chaotic edge helped to give some nice definition without looking “Tron-like”. With the “edges” brightened I then glazed the main colour back over to help bring the highlights into harmony.

Before (bottom) and after (top) glazing to blend in and tone back the edge highlightsBefore (bottom) and after (top) glazing to blend in and tone back the edge highlights

Once glazed back I was able to see where I wanted the brightest highlights to be, so using some P3 underbelly blue and a bit of Anthracite I added small highlights to panel corners and defined lines to give the tanks some pop. This was exaggerated by using Citadel Contrast Black legion to blackline and push contrast through panel separation.

The tracks were given a drybrush of Darkstar Silver before another shade of P3 Armour Wash with a touch of Citadel Agrax Earthshade for warmth.

“Driver” windows (or the main sensor under the gun barrel) and the other sensor array on top of the turret were painted in Pro Acryl White before being tinted with scale75 Magenta and Turquoise inks respectively.

And that was it. 6 Drone tanks done, bringing my total mini count up to 8 in 4 days, but I still have 36 more to do over the next 27 days, and quite a few of them are A LOT bigger than these. But thats all part of the challenge!

Anti-Bot Tank Drones finishedAnti-Bot Tank Drones finished

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