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Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Prime in grey and then airbrush German greyPrime in grey and then airbrush German grey

I ended up going heavier on the hairspray and on the white paint for this halftrack compared to the 222.

I’m not certain which I prefer, I like the muted tone of the white on the 222 but I went overboard on the chipping where as on this 25o I really didn’t like how when I tried to chip away it ended up taking much bigger chunks than I wanted to and left it folded up at the edge of the chipping mark.

the next time I’ll go lighter on the hairspray but also more of a finer misting of white paint on top of it too. I’ll hopefully end up with a happy medium.

I tried to get both the gunners shooting at the same target but it wasn’t to be, the angle just didn’t work out

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