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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Signaling who's in charge

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I completed my bombard crew and found myself in a state of elation and sat grinning as I looked over my army. I was almost satisfied with it all as my figures covered the transportation tray. I was not quite done. I still had to give my leader his banner. My greatest challenge was patience.

I committed to freehanding the banner as I had no chance to get the digital work done. I’ve not made any time for it after losing the previous iteration of it. So to whatever I could imagine I lept onto.

My djinn had the decal on its back in 25mm and I had some extra copies in 20mm. Being unsure of what would fit at the time I thought it prudent to get two sizes just in case. I cut out the border portion as carefully as I could and affixed them to what would be both sides of the flag.

Waterslide decals are fragile and will easily tear. It gets worse when you try to transfer an open ring. I ended up going through all the transfers I had before I had a viable flag. It didn’t help that the second to last decal tore AFTER I had it on the paper and was blowing air on it to help drying.

After sealing the flag I wrote out the name and title of my leader. I think writing Arabic at scale without much knowledge/experience in doing so proved another level of challenge. I said screw it and I vow that anything at scale I do will need to be transfers. With all that done I glued it together and then sealed it all for play.

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Cult of Games Member

you mad lad!

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