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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Explosive results may vary

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Step one: attain a state of emotional discomfort that pushes you to try and alleviate the condition.

Step two:  turn to your creative hobby outlet for relief and dive head first into the insane world of deep detail while discombobulated.

Step three:  as the saying goes in the film ‘Jurassic Park’, “Hold onto your butts”.

What does one do when facing catastrophe? You turn to mini painting and weather the emotional stuff. It’s better to get the win as a salve for the spirit sometimes. In this case, blundering forward in applying brush to figures to complete my army has been quite helpful.

Gerry shot: full of motion blurGerry shot: full of motion blur

The arms for the artilleryman carrying the cannonball were done hastily but came out better than I expected with some paint. The bent arms and hands shielding their ears for the other two weren’t all that difficult by comparison. I need more practice with sculpting to have better results but for small details out of a much larger force I think this is just a case of “I feel like I screwed up here and it bugs me”.

Beyond that the other details of note are the stacked cannonballs that I salvaged from the bits bin from ym FLGS. The barrels were leftover resin from a purchase years ago. The tarp actually was paper I used VMS Paper shaper, a resin, to form and make more interesting. I made the powder tools from wire and plasticard. The plunger in the hand of the crewman was textured with fine pumice. The rounded portion of the measure laying on the ground was was just more sculpting putty. The flag some paper glued together with a Little Big Men Studios transfer on a wire rod.

Yep, any field weapon is its own mini diorama. This was something I knew I needed to get done. I dragged my feet with not having the confidence to complete it. Watching sculpting work done on YouTube helped me feel better through exposure. Feeling crappy otherwise, both with and without the company of other hobby nerds, helped kick me along to get this done.

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