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A New Beginning

A New Beginning

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All the Gribbly Bits

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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So, I’ve gone through it now and added in the various details, metal spikes, leather belts and so on.

I also used some more washes to fade both arms so they get darker at the ends as I like the effect. For the teethy right arm, I just added loads of dried bloood effect and left those teeth, as I have no idea what is supposed to be going on there.


The images show it with a matt varnish, and pretty much how I wanted it to look. As a first effort for several years, I am pleased with how this one went. When it is all based, I will go round and add a dot of gloss varnish on each of the boils to make them shine.

Now, as most of you will know, the glotkin is actually three minis, he has two littler guys standing on the shelf above his head.

Before I start to paint them I want to do some easier things first, the glotkin itself is large, but its easy to paint, that is why I chose it. So before I figure out how to base this and paint the other two minis, I’m going to paint a great big gun with some wheels attached for my Blood Angels. I’ve been paintin red marines off and on since 1992, so a simple vehicle in one colour with a bit of weathering seems a nice step on my joourney back to painting.

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Cult of Games Member

Looks really cool!

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