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In a galaxy even further away... back to Star Wars miniature gaming

In a galaxy even further away... back to Star Wars miniature gaming

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Preparing Ahsoka for painting:

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I’ve now finished painting the title character of the series. The sculpt is from Skullforge, but it’s the gray version of Ahsoka as seen in The Mandalorian and in the first half of AHSOKA. I haven’t spotted a white version in either Skullforge or Anvilrage. The sculpts head is the one they already used for The Mandalorian version of the mini, and that’s wrong – they made the Montrals and especially the Lekku longer for the Ahsoka series. I wanted to make the white version of Ahsoka from the AHSOKA series, so I lengthened the Lekku with greenstuff, redesigned the headdress accordingly, and also modified the forearm rails. In addition, the lightsaber blades on Skullforge are thicker than on Anvilrage, and since I painted the Sabine Wren from Anvilrage first, all the lightsaber blades from Skullforge now have to be adapted accordingly:

Preparing Ahsoka for painting:

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