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2024 Hobby Log

2024 Hobby Log

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January’s Totals

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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My main focus this year is big armies so January was a good month on that front. I’m in a slow grow for Kings of War and we’re meant to have 750 points ready for February. I’m two models short for my list but I managed to get the three regiments done.

Gaslands was going to be my second project for the month but my epic pre-order finally came in and so excitement overtook me and the production line ramped up. I still have a fair bit to paint to get an army to the table however I’m very happy with what I have so far.

Talking about Gaslands, it takes about as long to get a box of epic infantry ready to prime as it does to kitbash a gaslands car ready to prime. Both take an hour but are very different experiences; some days the mindless prep is what you need, other days it is the creative digging around in the bits box and making broom broom noises as you go. I have a second vehicle kitbashed and primed but mentally I’ve been in batch painting mode and I’m finding switching a little tricky right now.

All in all, the first month of the year is done and I’m happy with what I got painted up. February should be a bit easier on the batch painting and will have some experiments with a new painting style… I have a plan but I’m currently watching A Fistful of Dollars right now so who knows how long I’ll manage to stay on track.

Counts for the month:

  • Riftforged orcs – 50
  • Sons of Horus – 203 (44 bases and 15 vehicles)
  • Gaslands – 1
January’s Totals

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