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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 0

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’m starting this challenge as I mean to go on… in a state of disorganized chaos. Just got back from being away on work and threw together some miniatures. Not all are primed yet, there are no basing elements yet and Sydney’s not even got arms! As I said before, I’m trying to cover all 4 Traders Galaxy games: Botwar, ROTD, Beat Em Up and Broken Skies. My starting list I am thinking will be:
Overlord Gorg – Botwar
Strikeforce – Broken Skies
Strikeforce – Broken Skies
Leviathon – Botwar
Swordana Ascendant – Botwar
Mongoose – ROTD
Light Tank – Botwar
Defiance – Botwar
Democracy Infantry – Botwar
Barracuda – Botwar
Ninjas with Hand Weapons – ROTD
Ninjas with Uzis – ROTD
Ninja with Sickle and Chain – ROTD
John – Beat Em Up
Sydney – Beat Em Up
See the photo below, I forgot Swordana so have a seperate picture of her afterwards and as I have an idea with her, I had to break her arms and quickly reset them as can be seen in the final picture. I’ve done a little tinkering on Leviathon too with his right arm, I had to break that and reset it in a different pose with a pointing finger.

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Cult of Games Member

Great selection of models to keep you going on the challenge. Looking forward to following your progress

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