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FINALLY! My dream project - The Black Coach

FINALLY! My dream project - The Black Coach

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Haunted Forest

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I had an old GW forest thingy in the back, and I realised it would be perfect for the idea I had. I pulled the bridge off the base I’d originally stuck it to, and instead glued it coming out of the woods.

I also raided some more of the bits boxes in the back and found a ruin corner-piece and some old battered up Nighthaunt models. I also found a box of random monk parts which had been 3d printed ages ago and forgotten about. Luckily there were enough parts to make 3 whole monks.

Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest

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Pierre Gravelat Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nice to see three different originated set coming together. I love the idea of setting the bridge out of the forest as it fits your plan top have the model take flight.

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