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Building Balin's Tomb With 144Artist

Building Balin's Tomb With 144Artist

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Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Since I’m building Balin’s Tomb from Fellowship of the Ring I felt it was good time to actually breakout the Fellowship set I bought when the movie first came out and start to work on it.  I know I have a box full of plastic Moria Goblins somewhere as well though that will require more searching.


This also seems a perfect place to show the miniatures included in Mantic’s Advent Calendar/Game, Bar Room Brawl.  Since they are supposed to be adventurers during their holiday downtime this seems like a good place to post that progress as well.

More Dungeonalia
Looks like I need to touch up a spot the Agrax Earthshade missed.Looks like I need to touch up a spot the Agrax Earthshade missed.
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