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Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

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BatRep 2: The Battle of Suspicious Rock

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
Enjoy the print lines Tim Enjoy the print lines Tim

So my plucky goblins left their snow caves (terrible roofing) in search of a ransacked caravan, having found the wagons, they discovered a rampaging group of Nightstalkers, why they wanted 200 cases of dwarf energy drinks (crimson minotaur, not the cheap stuff) was anyone’s guess.

Let the fighting and looting commence!

We played a control scenario with five point scoring objectives. I split my forces with a cavalry force out two the right to worry that flank, I had two troops of Fleabag riders and a mounted king. There was a convenient hill there too, so I popped a regiment of archers over there for balance.


My infantry took the centre along with the mincer mob and a regiment of archers. My opponents one ranged unit began to make his presence felt, my archers returned fire, it took a while and he popped one regiment of sharpsticks before my archers took him out of play.

Both archer regiments actually punched above their weight, in spite of a permanent to hit penalty because of the Nightstalker filth…I mean stealth.

On the right flank I faced a regiment of hounds and some flying wraith things, I was concerned that the king and cavalry were going to be overwhelmed. So in some ways the placing had worked, I had gotten my opponent to commit his strongest units to take over the flank pulling them away from the centre. In the last game I threw the mincer in straight away, on this occasion I bided my time.

Full disclosure, my opponent forgot to attack one turn, which would have been a significant attack, but the game had progressed too far by the time we realised. Just mentioning because obviously that went in my favour. I also got pretty lucky with the dice and we got flank attacks with individual units wrong, again, in my favour.

So , more through luck I managed to  inflict a good amount of wounds before the cavalry fell, the king held the line and between him and the archers I managed to pop his scariest units

In the centre of the table my spearmen and mincer units began a slow advance to the middle objectives up against doppelgangers and scarecrows, emboldened by the loss of his ranged unit we surged forward. First round was a little disappointing in terms of damage done but the grinding down had begun.

Again my opponent was pretty generous with me being able to flank with the mincers. However in terms of point scoring I really needed a turn 7 to try and pop one or more of his units , end of turn 6 he had more unit strength  on objectives , meaning a win.

Turn 7, everything changed. My archers on the right managed to pop the butchers on one of the objectives, then my mincer tore into the flank of his scarecrows, straw and guts everywhere. Then the spearmen polished off the doppelgangers. I had cleared the table.

Lets be real though, without an error and gratuitous sportsmanship from my opponent this could have been a very different story. It was close right up until the end. Great game.

BatRep 2: The Battle of Suspicious Rock
BatRep 2: The Battle of Suspicious Rock

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james waddellCrispinSquirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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good stuff, that’s a fucking amazing nightstalkers army. Obviously you had the rub of the green there are a few points I want to throw in. Your army list is based on a standard army (2000) not the ambush list, you should make sure it’s switched to ambush as it changes the limits and the like. It doesn’t matter for this as your list is valid but you could end up cheating if you change it again. You say your opponent was generous with a flank, that should be cut and dried in Kings, what was the issue that was… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

those are not print lines, those are goblin carvings

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