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Fistful of Lead, Reloaded Battle Report

Fistful of Lead, Reloaded Battle Report

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Meet the Gangs

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Gang creation is pretty simple. You typically get five characters, one of which is the leader, one who is the sidekick and three regular characters. The leader has the leadership trait plus three more you choose. The sidekick gets two and the regulars get one each.

Most dice rolls are a single D10 but some particularly talented characters roll a D12. Greenhorns and Civilians roll a D8.

Each gang also has a unique trait that applies to everyone.   With this in mind, I tried to create thematic gangs.


Meet the Lawmen. Their gang trait is Cool Headed making them less likely to run away and better at shaking off injuries. Meet the Lawmen. Their gang trait is Cool Headed making them less likely to run away and better at shaking off injuries.

If the leader is with range and has line of sight to a friendly model, he buffs recovery rolls. Recovery is basically the morale stat of a model. Most of the lawmen are particularly good at fisticuffs. I chose those traits for them because I decided to make life a little bit harder on them and not allow them to shoot until someone else fired first. But they can fight in close combat at any time.  To balance this, they each had a different melee related skill except Mr.Cullen. Everytime he’s shot at and the shot misses, he gets a free dash.

The Sheriff model has two guns so I gave him the Two Guns trait. Basically he gets a 3 inch template attack but is more likely to run out of ammo. I also gave him a trait that allows him to reload more rapidly than other models to balance that out a bit.

The Outlaws. Being bad guys, their gang trait is called Killers. They get bonuses on wound rolls from shooting attacks. The Outlaws. Being bad guys, their gang trait is called Killers. They get bonuses on wound rolls from shooting attacks.

Themed around the movie 3:10 to Yuma, this gang is led by Ben Wade and Charlie Prince. Ben has a hidden weapon he can use once per game if he’s in melee combat.  He also has Sharp Tongued. Basically if you’re fighting him in melee, he can insult you and make you re-roll your dice.

Charlie is a pure gunfighter. He rolls a D12 when shooting but a D8 when fighting hand to hand. Models typically have 3 wounds but I gave one of the outlaws four wounds. Their rifleman was given Eagle Eyes, which extended the ranges of his rifle.

The  Pinkertons. Basically elite mercenaries, they only have 4 models. The Pinkertons. Basically elite mercenaries, they only have 4 models.

The uniformity of all the Pinkertons in their dusters is what inspired me here. This gang dispenses with a sidekick but all the regulars get two traits. I gave all three the same two traits which basically gave them added range and better shooting but limited everyone to pistols. Inspired by Reservoir Dogs, their names came from the colors of their bandannas. Their leader is Capt Jack. He’ll meet you down by the railroad tracks. His ability is themed around manipulating his gangs activations.

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