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Fistful of Lead, Reloaded Battle Report

Fistful of Lead, Reloaded Battle Report

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The Scenario

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Sean and I had played two quick games to learn the rules when Nathan and Evan wandered up to check out our table. We quickly enticed them into a game. Sean decided to sit the game out and be the shot caller while Nathan and Evan joined me in the Rescue of Blue Belle.

Miss Blue Belle has just arrived via stagecoach. Miss Blue Belle has just arrived via stagecoach.

Placed at the center of the board, Miss Belle has arrived via stagecoach. All three gangs are trying to rescue/ransom/return her to their starting deployment zones.

The table is a 3 foot by 3 foot town with the deployment zones being the North West corner for the Pinkertons, the North East corner for the Outlaws and the center of the Southern edge. The miniatures start off board and move on as their first action. They can enter up to 3 inches from the Northern corners or 3 inches either side of the center of the Southern edge.

Once in base contact with the stagecoach, Miss Belle is placed in base with the player’s miniature. When that miniature moves, so does Miss Belle. As a civilian she only has 1 hit point and can be killed accidentally if you miss your target. If at any time she is not recuse to her escort being killed or knocked down, she immediately makes a single action to move to the prisoner housed in the jail. If at the end of a turn, she is not escorted, she will move again.

Once she makes contact with her true love, the scenario immediately ends. If she dies, the scenario also ends. If only one gang is standing, they are the default winner, but only if Miss Belle is alive.

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