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Draconis does……  Droids!  Back to Star Wars Legion again.

Draconis does…… Droids! Back to Star Wars Legion again.

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Attack Mode Droidekas

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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29th January 2024

Onto the Droidekas now. Starting out with the attack mode versions. I worked on just one at first, so that I could get the build sequence in place and get used to it.

With one built I then snipped all the components for the remaining three and laid them out in the sub assemblies that I would work on. Theses three were pretty quick to build once I had built the test piece.

Attack Mode Droidekas
Attack Mode Droidekas

Also during this build I magnetised the larger bases for these and the STAP riders as I hadn’t yet done them.

Attack Mode Droidekas

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