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Legion's Bobperialis

Legion's Bobperialis

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Fear God and Dreadnought.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have finally begun my Infantry with the Dreadnoughts, basically as they have to be built and can be individually based.

The main difference in the scheme to the one described for the Tanks is I used GW Basilicum Grey for the base colour as I thought it wold give a more even coat than did the thinned out Black Templar.

Fear God and Dreadnought.
Fear God and Dreadnought.

I think you can see now why I went for the stone/Concrete effect for the bases as it makes the figures pop, plus as can be seen , it blends in nicely with Desert Hexon Tiles.

Fear God and Dreadnought.

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