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In Space No-One Can Hear You Meme

In Space No-One Can Hear You Meme

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A Place to Fight

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
A Place to Fight

So having printed and painted the miniatures I wanted a fitting environment to have the battle in, plus something than can be used for Stargrave/5 Parsecs et al. Most of my existing sci fi terrain is kind of grimy and run down looking. I wanted I something with a cleaner look.  Then I saw this…..

A Place to Fight

In 2023 Games Workshop invented the ‘wall’ , which united humanity and brought harmony to the universe. I figured they could be quite nifty to add to the spaceship in a box I had purchased, then I decide further greebling  is required and I order some bits. It occurs to me this could potentially be an opportunity to join in with Dungeonalia.

Two days after Dungeonalia finished my parts finally arrived…

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Cult of Games Member

A “Penfold” Dungeon?! *starts the Danger Mouse opening theme* looks like a good choice with all those select words to make your game jump into gear sooner.

Cult of Games Member

2024-03-19 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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